Co-principal Investigators:
Associate Investigators:
Funding Agency: U. S. Department of Education
Funding Award Amount: $409,809
Project Duration: 3 years
Project Status: Completed (2004)
Project Description:
This project brought foreign languages learners into extensive and intensive contact with native users of the language via telecommunication in order to create contexts for interactive communication and task-based collaboration. Partner classes in English, French, German and Spanish were established, with each of the classes engaging with a community of students who are native speakers of the “foreign” language being studied. Penn State students and their partner classes also pursued web-based collaborative research on popular culture themes. This project investigated the effects of technology-mediated language use on learning processes and learning outcomes, and considered optimal practices and models for the incorporation of such methodologies into the foreign language curriculum.
The project utilized protocols and tasks developed by faculty at Penn State. It entailed an empirical assessment of the effectiveness of the intercultural collaboration approach across three foreign languages (French, German and Spanish). This included: