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Center for
Language Acquisition
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Investigating Teachers’ Use of Technologies in Foreign Language Programs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Attitudes and Practices
Title VI Language Resource Center: CALPER (2002-2026)
The role of explicit information in remapping meaning in a second language. An experimental intervention study
Social networks, target language interaction, and second language acquisition during the year abroad: A longitudinal study
Computerized Dynamic Assessment of Language Proficiency in French, Russian and Chinese
Persian Language and Culture for Intermediate and Advanced Level Study
Instructional Practices, Proficiency Assessment and Language Development in Dual-Language Immersion Classrooms: A Longitudinal Study
The Careers of Language Study Abroad Alumni: A Comprehensive Investigation
Other Projects
Gil Watz Outstanding Fifth Year Applied Linguistics Graduate Student Award
Gil Watz Graduate Dissertation Fellowship in Languages and Linguistics
CLA Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Gil Watz Dissertation Fellow
Gil Watz Visiting Scholar Program
Dr. Kim Sociocultural Theory Travel Grant
PSU-NECTFL Fellowship
Grant Opportunities
SCT and L2 Learning Searchable Bibliography
Linguistic Data Consortium
Lectures and Events
Lectures and Events
Center for Language Acquisition Invited Speaker Series
Gorski Endowed Lectures
Gil Watz Memorial Lectures
Kirby-Greer Endowed Lectures
Conferences and Workshops
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Child and Adult Language Acquisition (2018)
Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (2013)
Dialogue and Dementia: Preserving Personhood Through Better Communication (2011)
Diaspora and Language (2009)
Pennsylvania Applied Linguistics Consortium (2010)
Language Teaching Forum
Summer Institute in Applied Linguistics
Comments from Participants
Course Offerings
Open Forum Sessions
Plenary Lectures
Research Methods for Applied Linguists
2024 Workshops
2023 Workshops
2022 Workshops
2021 Workshops
2020 Workshops
Investigating Teachers’ Use of Technologies in Foreign Language Programs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Attitudes and Practices
Title VI Language Resource Center: CALPER (2002-2026)
The role of explicit information in remapping meaning in a second language. An experimental intervention study
Social networks, target language interaction, and second language acquisition during the year abroad: A longitudinal study
Computerized Dynamic Assessment of Language Proficiency in French, Russian and Chinese
Persian Language and Culture for Intermediate and Advanced Level Study
Instructional Practices, Proficiency Assessment and Language Development in Dual-Language Immersion Classrooms: A Longitudinal Study
The Careers of Language Study Abroad Alumni: A Comprehensive Investigation
Other Projects
Gil Watz Outstanding Fifth Year Applied Linguistics Graduate Student Award
Gil Watz Graduate Dissertation Fellowship in Languages and Linguistics
CLA Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Gil Watz Dissertation Fellow
Gil Watz Visiting Scholar Program
Dr. Kim Sociocultural Theory Travel Grant
PSU-NECTFL Fellowship
Grant Opportunities
SCT and L2 Learning Searchable Bibliography
Linguistic Data Consortium
Lectures and Events
Lectures and Events
Center for Language Acquisition Invited Speaker Series
Gorski Endowed Lectures
Gil Watz Memorial Lectures
Kirby-Greer Endowed Lectures
Conferences and Workshops
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Child and Adult Language Acquisition (2018)
Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (2013)
Dialogue and Dementia: Preserving Personhood Through Better Communication (2011)
Diaspora and Language (2009)
Pennsylvania Applied Linguistics Consortium (2010)
Language Teaching Forum
Summer Institute in Applied Linguistics
Comments from Participants
Course Offerings
Open Forum Sessions
Plenary Lectures
Research Methods for Applied Linguists
2024 Workshops
2023 Workshops
2022 Workshops
2021 Workshops
2020 Workshops
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