We are very pleased to announce that Beatriz García Glick, Associate Teaching Professor of Spanish and French at Penn State Hazleton, has been awarded the 2020 PSU-NECTFL Fellowship in Language Education for her project “Integrated Performance Assessments in Language Discussions Addressing Social Justice Issues in Artworks”. A short project abstract is included below.
The PSU-NECTFL Fellowship supports a Penn State language educator in the development of a foreign language project in the classroom that contributes to the foreign language teaching profession and advances quality language instruction. The Fellow receives mentorship from an expert selected by the Center for Language Acquisition(CLA) Advisory Board at all stages of the project, including planning, execution, data analysis and dissemination. Project findings are presented at the annual NECTFL conference. The Fellow also receives support to prepare a written manuscript to the NECTFL Review based on their project and findings.
We will be accepting applications for the 2021 PSU-NECTFL Fellowship in Language Education in December 2020. For more information, see our PSU-NECTFL Fellowship program page.
Abstract “Integrated Performance Assessments in Language Discussions Addressing Social Justice Issues in Artworks”
This month long project has four goals: first, students will become familiar with artistic works that address social injustices. Second, students will learn to describe media following artistic guidelines as well as their own perceptions. Third, students will read related narratives and biographies of the interpreter to understand the times and social injustices that the artist is trying to address. Interpretational analyses will take place during classes to address target vocabulary and to clarify points of view. At the end of a month, students will give a presentational speech followed by an interpersonal class discussion which will be analyzed in a quantitative and qualitative manner to review the use of target vocabulary, target expressions, comprehension, fluidity, and pronunciation. Assessments would include a pre- and post -vocabulary quiz of art related words, as well as each student’s ability to complete Can-Do statements such as the student can negotiate for meaning in a conversation in the Present Tense, can use clarification strategies, and can narrate key events in the Past Tenses. Triangulation of data collected through rubrics would be analyzed by the instructor, bilingual professors, and bilingual members of the community interested in social justice topics.
Beatriz García Glick earned a Doctorate in Modern Languages from Middlebury College, in Middlebury, Vermont. She is an Associate Teaching Professor of Spanish in the Humanities Department at the Pennsylvania State University, Hazleton, campus in Pennsylvania. Her research includes the use of technology in language teaching especially how to apply programs such as VoiceThread, Kaltura, as well as blogs, and podcasts to create motivating projects for students. She has recently published a chapter titled “Culture and Language Appreciation in a History of Latin America Course” (2020) in P. Ananth and L.T. Lyons (Eds). Incorporating Foreign Language Content in Humanities Courses (pp 141-148). New York, NY: Routledge